Her First Gang Bang Ch. 02

-------------- I previously wrote these stories over twenty years ago and after many years reading stories on Literotica I have decided to start posting my own. After these are posted I will start working on new ones. I did very little revising or editing to these stories. Mostly minor changes in grammar and punctuation, sentence structure, and readability. --------------

Her First Gang Bang 2 - The Adventures of Lori and Bart


Part One

Lori kept looking at Bart out of the corner of her eye as they drove. At 20 he was 7 years younger than she and still in college. Lori met him at a 'mentor/tutor' club the school set up for alums and undergrads. She had been in the process of ending a dead end boring relationship with someone 10 years her senior, and this young mans passion for her was quite the refreshing contrast to her previous 'lover'. [They had actually scheduled their sex life in his day timer]

Bart had come on to her from the first time they met, she resisted at first simply because of the 'mentor/student' relationship. Not to mention his age. And her career. And what would her friends think.

What would they think if they knew how much time he spent chasing her. And catching her. She enjoyed the attention, even spending time teasing him along. He usually couldn't take much of that. Like last night, she wore a tank top and loose jogging shorts to clean the house. He had pinned her to the wall, not even pulling off her shorts.

He made her pull the crotch of her shorts and under pants out of the way as he pounded into her. She was well soaked from teasing him, providing for virtually instant penetration. And then, during her last period, she taunted him until he finally just pulled out his cock and informed her he 'really needed a blow job'. They were at the 'mentor' meeting at the time.

After they came out of the utility room, Lori went straight to the ladies room to freshen up. As she looked into the mirror she wondered if her lipstick would stain his shorts, because most of it was rubbed off her lips. No wonder she got those stares on her way down the hall.

Lori noticed Bart staring at her legs, and she knew the new skirt was doing the trick. The pleated skirt was the shortest one she had ever bought and she was afraid to bend over in public. However, it was having the desired effect on Bart. She was wondering if they would even make it to his friend's party when Bart pulled the car off the road and into a dark alley.

Bart quickly reached for her, forcefully pressing his lips to hers. Pushing him off her, Lori said, "No way are we doing anything to mess up my makeup BEFORE we get to your friends house. I have nowhere to 'fix my face' and if we do something to mess if up, we are not going out in public."

And with that she clamped her thighs together to trap his hand before he reached her wet underpants. He slowly moved back to his side of the car, momentarily in thought. Lori struggled to keep a straight face as she studied him. He was scanning the area with darting eyes and Lori could almost she the wheels turning as he thought of what to do next. She did manage to keep her straight face and suppress her smile.

He quickly reached out to her and said, "Give me your panties." In spite of her previous experiences with him, she couldn't prevent her jaw from dropping open.

Looking her in the eye, he stated "If you keep your mouth open I'm going to mess up your lipstick. And we ARE going to the party tonight!" Snapping her mouth shut, Lori lifted her bottom slightly and slid her panties down her nude legs. As she handed over her soft panties, he took a deep breath and almost growled as he exhaled.

"I do need those back," she murmured, becoming very self- conscience about her short skirt.

"Meet me behind the car and I'll give them back to you," and with that he jumped from the car and ran to the back. Taking a deep breath, Lori opened the car door and stepped out into the night, being met by Bart before she could even close the door.

Breathing into her ear as he leaned her over the trunk lid, she felt his voice "don't worry, I just waxed the car, we shouldn't mess up your outfit." And then she felt the cool metal of the car against her thighs as she pulled up her skirt in front, and the cool breeze over her bottom as Bart pulled her skirt up in back. That didn't last long as he propelled himself into her, grasping her hips as he bounced her off the trunk of the car. She opened her eyes long enough to see a couple of figures at a window, pointing into the alley. Clenching her eyes shut again, she felt Bart reaching his climax, and she knew he would finish before she did. And considering the audience, that wasn't a big problem. He slammed into her hard enough to lift her feet from the ground as he came, and she knew he had flooded her.

Bart giggled and twitched as he pulled himself free, while she held her skirt up and her legs open, letting his sperm drop out to the ground. She quickly grabbed her panties from Bart as the sound of a door slamming prompted her to jump into them, holding her skirt out of the way as she slid back into the car.

"I really needed that" Bart announced, starting the car and pulling past 2 men entering the alley as they drove out onto the street.

"One of us is completely nuts," Lori informed her lover as she waved good bye to their audience.

Part Two

Bart kept stealing glances at Lori as he drove, occasionally taking a sip from the bottle of schnapps he had picked up to enhance his party mood. The guys hadn't met Lori yet and he couldn't wait to show her off. As she sat there, demure and beautiful, Bart knew none of the guys would believe she had just let him bend her over the trunk of the car and bang the hell out of her. Just thinking about it had him looking for another dark alley and it took serious will power and deep breathing, not to mention a couple more shots of schnapps, to keep on course for the hills at the edge of town.

Lori was in a minor haze, her underpants were soaked and she was certain a wet spot was forming on the car seat. Reaching for his hand, she held onto him, looking at him and smiling.

"I think you made me very wet" Lori told him, she enjoyed watching Bart smile at her comment. "I hope your friends have a clean rest room, because I will need to 'freshen up' when we get there." she continued.

"You bet, sweet'ums," Bart cheerfully replied, "these folks are real gentlemen and know the ladies have high cleanliness standards in the 'powder room' area. It's always a priority to show respect for the ladies needs."

She doubted it, but Lori patted his hand appreciatively anyway.

Soon, they arrived at the house, a three-story mansion in the woods several students went together to rent each year. Lori was impressed with the home and the location. It was no wonder it took several of the students to make the rent.

Bart introduced Lori around the crowd and she gradually relaxed. Lori began to feel she was somewhat of a novelty since, at 27, she was by far the oldest one at the party. Most definitely, she thought, the oldest woman.

After a short time, she asked Bart for the location of a bathroom. He showed her the way, leading her up the stairs. Suspicious of the route they were taking she delicately held her skirt in place as she followed Bart up the stairs. Eyes boring into his backside she felt the eyes of the room follow her to the second floor landing. Smiling back at him she took his hand when he offered to lead her down the hall. Surprisingly, they stopped at a door marked 'Ladies'.

Just as they arrived at the door a coed burst from the room, seemingly out of breath and slightly disheveled. She glanced momentarily at Lori, then Bart, before a lurching start took her down the hall. Before Lori had a chance to react to the strange occurrence, Bart was discretely holding the door for her.

"If I'm not back in 10 minutes, come looking for me" she whispered to her lover.

"I may not wait 10 minutes" was the predictable reply.

Laughing, she pushed him away and entered the ladies room. Like the rest of the house, the room was huge. Another door marked the other end of the room, which contained a shower, a hot tub, and 2 toilets virtually side by side. That was the only confusing part of the room design. She pulled down her wet panties, smiling at the memories the stained garment triggered, and made herself comfortable. Feeling the remains of Bart's earlier passion leaving her, a small shiver went through her. It was a pleasant shiver.

Abruptly the opposite door burst open and one of the men at the party strolled in. Stunned, Lori saw the other door had a 'Gentlemen' sign on it.

Nearly speechless, Lori managed to sputter "This room is occupied! Get out!"

The man calmly stepped to the toilet next to hers, unzipped his jeans, pulled out his penis, and let loose a stream.

"Oh God, oh god, oh no, this is outrageous" Lori continued to sputter. Shielding her eyes with her hand trying unsuccessfully to block her view of the stranger's penis as he stood and peed next to her.

The noticeably well built young man casually spoke, "I guess Bart didn't mention the coed johns, did he?"

By now, Lori had given up on any sense of modesty and put her hands in her lap. She was beginning to wonder if this guy was ever going to stop peeing. "If my bladder was that big I wouldn't need to pee but about once a week." She deadpanned for the man as his stream slowly faded.

Panic began to settle in as the 'Gentlemen' door opened again, only this time 2 obviously over served young men fell through. Mortified, Lori tried to pull up her panties and stand up. The first guy was zipping up and backing away from his spot to allow one of the others room. Startled by one of the new comers, Lori found herself pushed back onto her seat. Looking up, she found a partially erect penis waving in her face. A hand on the back of her head tried to hold her still as the hard-on was shoved into her face. She desperately tried to push the man away, but he just leaned into her. Opening her mouth to protest, she found the erection expertly placed inside. After a couple of short strokes, she managed to spit out the member and scream.

"Get away from me! Somebody help me!"

Her attackers only laughed, and the man who had arrived first just leaned against the counter and watched it all. Once again the door popped open and another man staggered through. Lori vainly tried to stand, shaking her head to avoid the bobbing penis in front of her. When she heard the familiar voice of her lover, she cried out.

"Bart, help me! Get them away from me!" Twisting her head she continued to avoid the penis thrusting in front of her.

Laughing, Bart shoved the two attackers away from Lori. "This is my woman and you boys need to find your own cause this one is occupied."

As Lori jumped up she swung at the closest of the attackers and soundly connected to the jaw. Bart turned and grabbed her, holding back another swing.

"Relax sweetie, these guys didn't mean any harm. They just got carried away. Most of the time the ladies just join the fun, they won't bother you no more. But they sure had the right idea." Lori was shocked as Bart began to hug her close, pressing his hard on against her.

"Bart, you are insane. I should call the cops!"

"Sweetly, the best way to punish these boys is to show 'em what they are missing," Bart managed to breathe into her ear. She could easily smell the alcohol on his breath, wondering if he was even capable of fulfilling his end of the proposition. Pushing him away and pulling up her panties in a most unladylike manner, she could only glare at this insatiable bag of hormones. The other three just leered at her.

"Seriously sweets, show these dudes what they are missing and they won't be able to stand themselves." Leaning closer to her ear, he said, "come on sweet lady, lets show em how a woman does it and they'll never be satisfied with these school girls."

Lori appalled herself by responding to her lover's hands on her body, and appalled herself further by responding to his words. "You will owe me, Bart. You will owe me SO BIG!" Lori muttered into his ear as she eyed the others in the small room. Glancing down, she saw Bart had begun to pull himself free of his pants. "No, not in here. This place is Grand Central Station. You find something more private or it doesn't happen."

Bart quickly zipped up and announced, "Follow me." Lori and the 3 others trailed behind Bart as he went through the adjoining room and into a smaller side room. One Lori was happy to note had a working lock on the door. "Against the wall, and keep your hands to yourself" Lori ordered the 3 observers. Bart ceremoniously dropped his pants and invited Lori to kneel on a small footstool as he sat on the lone bed.

Lori made a lewd show of filling her mouth with Bart's cock, hearing the audience groan and her lover gasp spurred her on. She was determined to put on a show for these guys, sticking her tongue way out as she licked up and down his shaft and over his furry sac. The audience groaned with Bart as she suddenly gulped him down again, holding him deep in her mouth for just a moment before she began to slowly bob her head.

Visions of a slut flashed through Lori's head as she tried to picture what she must look like, on her knees, mouth full of cock, putting on a show for 3 of Bart's friends. The images alone made her clit swell as she began to lubricate herself. Squirming, pressing her thighs tighter together, Lori had to get a firm grip on Bart to prevent her fingers from wandering between her own legs. She didn't want to give the guys too much of a show. Yet. Bart filled his hands with her curly hair, and she knew he wasn't going to last much longer as he took over and started fucking her in the mouth. Determined to complete the show, Lori braced herself, submitting to the assault, and marveling once again at the stamina of youth as Bart erupted enough to drown a less experienced cocksucker. Swallow and suck, swallow and suck, until he ceased erupting.

A claustrophobic feeling overwhelmed her, waking her up in time to notice the others surrounding her and reaching for their own cocks.

"Shows over," Lori announced. Jumping up and heading for the bathroom to 'fix her face'. On the way back to the bathroom Lori heard the obvious sounds of someone else having sex. A young brunette was loudly taking on a couple of guys. She was on her hands & knees, one in the mouth and the other doggy style. Another guy, laying back and watching, had evidently been the first in line.

As Lori got closer, she began to realize why the brunette was being so loud. The one in back paused for a moment and adjusted his aim, "Not there...not again...oowww..my aassss...mmmfffff. Mmmff. Mmm." Once again, the two men resumed the rhythm of fucking the brunette. Lori quickly walked past, entering the bathroom in time to see another young brunette stand up and pull her panties & jeans back on.

"Too much bottled water. Are they still at it?" the jean clad woman motioned toward the door.

"Yes, they are. Is she a friend of yours?"

Laughing, Jeans replied, "Yeah, I warned her what may happen if she got a little drunk. Beer makes her really horny, and the guys around here are more than willing the help out."

"So I noticed"

"So, did you blow all those guys?"

"Is everyone around here so open and blunt? And no, I only blew the man who brought me here."

More laughter, "Yes we are, whatever happens in this house stays in the house. And I do like your style."

Repairing her lipstick and hair, Lori asked "What about your friend's style?"

"How much style does it take to let a couple guys line up and butt fuck you?" More laughs, Jeans was very amused. And her friend was becoming even more vocal. Lori and Jeans peeked around the corner to watch. The one who had been in her mouth had obviously had his turn, and the evidence was all over her face. Her dress was pushed down to expose her tits and pushed up to allow access to her behind. Her tits shook each time he pushed into her, and her eyes went from wide open to squeezed shut every few seconds.

As they watched, Jeans offered some advice, "Rule number one, stay on your feet. If you get on your back, lock the door unless you want more company. And like I told my friend there, keep your butt out of the air unless you are handing out invitations." And more giggles as her friends butt had some more sperm added to the mix. Gingerly extracting herself, she staggered past the ladies to the rest room. Jeans helped her on the way with a quick smack on the bottom.

Jeans pulled a joint from her pocket and lit it up, passing it to Lori after taking a long drag. Lori and Jeans stood in the hallway smoking as Bart strolled down the hall, taking a long drag from the joint himself.

Moving closer to her ear, he asked, "Do you want that pay back now? I don't think I should owe you for long. And I want to owe you big!"

Feeling the effects of the smoke, Lori knew she shouldn't consent right there. Especially since Bart was so obviously loaded. Sensing her hesitation, Bart said, "I know a quiet place on the third floor, I can lick you till you scream. I know you want that."

Her panties were tingling as she imagined Bart's enthusiastic mouth on her pussy. He was very energetic when it came to giving her oral sex. And she loved it.

"Show me where and I'll let you know."

Bart took her by the hand and swayed through another doorway leading to a small stairway. It led to a room with a large bed against one wall and a mirrored wall opposite it. She heard the latch click as Bart shut the door.

"Take off your panties again." He was behind her.

She complied, slipping them off and holding them in her left hand.

"Your skirts next." It easily dropped to the floor. He then stepped behind her, pulling her knit top over her head and tossing it into the corner. The bra was next. The sounds of the party drifted to the room, sounds of laughter and music. And drunk people. Lori enjoyed the sight of her nudity next to Bart's fully clothed figure. She moved to the middle of the bed when he asked, and waited for him.

Part 3

In a haze, she felt him on her again. He continued to amaze her, completely insatiable he wanted her again and again. She was feeling like the sexiest woman alive. And he was feeling great. Again. And she felt even another orgasm. Maybe even another multiple. He felt so hard, and yet so different. So very different. Her eyes shot open, and the first thing she saw was Bart. The intensity of the building orgasm caused her to struggle with her focus. Struggling to focus on Bart as he lay passed out on the couch. An intense orgasm hit her just before the realization that the man screwing her was not her boyfriend. He was passed out on the couch.

"Look at her go...she is so wild...I told you so...I'm next..."

"Oh lord" she thought, "This can't happen!" As she attempted to disengage herself from the stranger he collapsed while unloading his sperm in her. The involuntary spasm of her own body paralyzed her as the first stranger was instantly replaced by one of his companions. This was a much larger companion. Stunned and mortified, she reacted under the man as he planted his wide cock in her cunt. Fighting him off with her hands, her crotch rubbed itself against the second stranger and she involuntarily spread her legs wide to accommodate him. She felt stretched as his penis rubbed her clit while he screwed her. When he finally finished Lori managed to dive across the bed, reaching for Bart.

"Bart, wake up! Help me!" He shifted in his chair, but that was it. She had landed on her stomach, and someone else had landed on her back. The one jumping in front of her blocked her view but she had seen enough to know she was in trouble. The door was wide open and several men, and a couple of women, were in the room. Lori thought she recognized Jeans and the constant giggle confirmed it. When she opened her mouth to call out again the one in front shoved a cock in her mouth.












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