The Unexpected Meeting Ch. 06

After a few seconds, Adam's bladder had also finished emptying, and he let out a satisfied sigh as he pushed the last drops from his dick. They sat together in silence then, as rays of gold and crimson washed the balcony in warmth. As the last sliver of sun dipped below the edge of the horizon, however, Miles shivered slightly. Adam, too, felt the chill of the wind starting to cut through the sopping blanket.

"Ooohkay, I think it's probably time to go clean up," Adam said with a chuckle, looking down at the miniature lake of piss that had formed under the chair, slowly making its way toward the drain in the middle of the concrete.

"Oh, I'm allowed to move now?" Miles quipped mischievously.

Adam's took on a slightly devilish cast as he said, "Mmhm. But after you get up, you are to follow me. I warned you about needing to hold it, and while it's ok that you couldn't, there are still consequences."

Miles turned and narrowed his eyes at Adam, but looked down as Adam met his gaze. "Fine..." he said, still looking down. "But next time I say I have to go, you have to let me!"

Adam smirked. "You know, I don't think that's likely to be one of the rules I make, no."

Miles glowered, although Adam could tell it was still good-natured. With a quiet grunt, Miles shoved himself off of Adam's lap, unwrapping himself from the blanket in the process. "AAAH!" he yelped as the wind hit his wet skin, sending him scurrying into the house with his arms wrapped tightly around him. Adam just wolf-whistled at him and laughed as he stood—but he wasn't particularly slow in moving either as his body met the brunt of the chill wind.

As he stepped through the door, he saw miles standing obediently by the end of the couch, waiting for him. Adam stopped for a second to admire the soft body of his employee-turned-fuckbuddy. Gentle curves sat atop a well-shaped frame with a bit of muscle. His body hair was sparse, but tasteful, with a soft patch of brown hair on his chest that matched his messy brown curls, and a treasure trail leading deliciously from his belly button into a partially-trimmed bush crowning a dick that could only be described as a work of art. It hung long and heavy past the young man's scrotum, veins visible even when flaccid, with a plumpness around the center that made Adam's breath shallow and his head spin.

Adam was pulled back to reality by the feeling of piss dripping onto his feet from the blanket, and Miles' frame shaking briefly as a shiver passed over him. "Ah yes, cleaning up. And other things," Adam said knowingly before wadding up the sopping blanket and walking into the hallway. He dropped the blanket off in the utility room before turning toward the attractive young man following dutifully behind him. "Into the bedroom," he said, pointing. Miles took a second to look jokingly mournful before trundling past Adam. Adam slapped his ass playfully.

"To the bathroom," Adam continued, and Miles obeyed. I could definitely get used to this. Once in the bathroom, Miles stopped and waited for further direction. "Through the door on your left," Adam said.

"What's in there?" Miles said with curiosity in his voice. He moved to grab the door knob.

"The whirlpool tub." Adam's statement was chased with a giant grin as Miles' eyes went wide and he flung the door open.

"Oh, fuck me;you glorious creatu—"

"Oh, I will, believe you me," Adam interrupted, his grin starting to look faintly evil.

Miles ignored his quip and continued. "Why didn't you tell me about this before?!" The excitement and incredulousness in his voice made Adam's heart swell slightly.

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise for after dinner," he said, smiling. "Now." Adam's demeanor became more serious. "Start the bath, and set the temperature to a hundred and two. You may not get in until I give you permission."

Miles shot him a facetious scowl, but moved to the controls with a grumble. Adam turned and went back to the bedroom, where he opened the cupboard of his bedside table. He pulled a black case out of the top shelf, and unzipped it. Laying the case on the bed, he looked down at the assortment of stainless steel butt plugs. An old girlfriend of his had purchased them for him, but he had been too nervous to try them.

Selecting a medium sized plug and grabbing a bottle of lube from his side table, Adam returned to the bathroom. He stopped before going into the second room. I wonder... I don't think I got rid of them... he thought, heading to the cupboards along the back wall. He rummaged through a couple of them. Aha!

Adam grabbed a bath bomb from the wicker basket stuffed at the back of the cupboard. Another relic from a previous fling. Sometimes it pays to be lazy. He looked at the label. "Rose Dalliance." Who am I, Mr. Darcy seducing the swarthy stable boy while the ladies are away? He wrinkled his nose and rolled his eyes as he reached for another. "Midnight in Osaka." He raised an eyebrow skeptically, but gave it a sniff. It wasn't too bad... It smelled of plums and lavender, which was still a bit more ridiculous than he was hoping—but it would do.

Miles was testing the water with a hand when he walked through the door, and looked up. "It's hot," Miles said, and flipped a switch to activate the jets. They hummed to life, and the surface of the water began to swirl and churn.

"Yeah it is," Adam said with a lascivious grin, eyeing Miles' round ass. Miles mimed trying to cover his butt so Adam couldn't see it, but was quickly distracted by the armful of goodies Adam set on the counter. He tipped his head in curiosity, but Adam grunted at him.

"Nooope, turn around." Adam grabbed the bath bomb first and sidled up behind Miles. He ran his middle finger down the young man's back, eliciting a shiver from him, his whole body quivering for a moment. Adam's finger trailed lower, through the downy soft hair just above Miles' ass crack. He ran his hand down Miles' ass slowly, letting a finger dip slightly into the crack and then squeezing a cheek lightly. Miles moaned appreciatively and leaned his head back into Adam's hairy chest.

Adam scooted around him—eliciting a moan of disappointment from Miles as his headrest abandoned him—and dropped the bath bomb into the water. It started to foam almost immediately, and a deep purple began to disperse through the bath, letting off a fruity-floral-spicy scent. Adam turned back around to find Miles covering his mouth and shaking with laughter.

"Can I help you?" Adam said, attempting a flat tone. He couldn't stop his mouth from twitching into a slight smile, however, despite desperately trying to suppress it.

Miles took a second to compose himself. "No, no, it's fine. I'm a little surprised that a beefy straight man has—hold on, let me check my notes—sparkly purple bath bombs on hand!" He snorted and covered his face again, and his eyes danced with glee.

Adam narrowed his eyes and harrumphed. "They're not mine, they belonged to—you know what, never mind," he said, his tone changing to flippantly lofty. "I don't have to explain myself to you. Now, I believe I had mentioned some consequences..." He stepped to the counter and picked up the plug and lube.

Miles lifted an eyebrow and grinned again. "You know, for a straight gu—eep!" He was interrupted by Adam spinning him around and pushing him forward, bending him at the waist. After a swift squirt of lube into his hand, Adam roughly—but not unkindly—pushed his fingers between Miles' ass cheeks, and rubbed at the younger man's asshole, lubing it as he loosened the muscle. Miles whimpered quietly in response, and spread his legs a little wider.

"Are you going to hold it better from now on?" Adam asked knowingly, sliding the tip of his middle finger into Miles' tight hole and beginning to work it in light circles.

Miles groaned out a "Yes" as he pushed his hips back. Adam could feel Miles' ass slowly relaxing around his finger, and added his index finger as well. Miles' breathing grew a little heavier as Adam slowly moved his fingers in and out, fucking Miles' ass with them.

"You're not going to pee your pants in my entryway anymore?" Adam continued, finding the hard little bump he was searching for in Miles' ass.

"Nouhhh—" was as far as Miles got before Adam hit his prostate. Adam increased the pressure, and Miles let out a growling moan. Adam looked down Miles' chest and spotted his raging hardon. As he pressed on Miles' prostate, he watched a veritable deluge of precum pour out the shorter man's cock and pool on the floor, accompanied by his strained wimpers.

"Adammm," came Miles' needy groan. He must be close. Adam pulled his fingers out, eliciting a gasp of disappointment from Miles, and immediately placed the tip of the butt plug—which he had warmed in his other hand—against Miles' hole.

Miles feigned surprise. "But I said I would hold it!" Miles groaned, even as his hips slid back again, pressing on the plug.

"I'm sure you will." As Adam responded, he pressed the lubed end of the toy just hard enough to pop it past the muscles of Miles' asshole. Miles' gasped, and the toy immediately pulled in as his muscles tightened around the tapered neck. After seeing Miles' asshole relax a bit, Adam gave the toy a couple of experimental wiggles—eliciting another gasp from Miles—and then slapped his ass cheek.

"Alright, into the tub," Adam commanded.

Miles acquiesced, stepping gingerly—and holding the base of the toy—into the now dark, fragrant water. Throbbing erection bouncing in front of him, he slid down the side of the tub, letting out an elongated sigh as he did. Adam heard a satisfying clunk as the toy hit the bottom of the tub, which also caused Miles to groan and wiggle his hips. After dimming the lights with a slider next to the door, Adam stepped into the tub and slid down the other side, their legs tangling together in the middle.

"Oh yeah," Adam said, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes as the hot water caressed his tired muscles.

"Oh yeah," Miles echoed, his voice significantly more lustful. Adam opened his eyes to the younger man wiggling his hips still, neither hand visible.

"Huh uh. Hands where I can see them. No touching yourself, and definitely no cumming," Adam said, smirking. Miles looked stricken, but folded his arms in front of him, his forearms just barely visible under the dark water. "You've cum more than enough times today. You can practice 'holding it' by holding that in as well."

Miles eyes narrowed, and he huffed, but Adam just continued to smirk. "Jeeves, play 'Chill Mix,'" Adam said, and soft music started playing from seemingly invisible speakers.

Miles perked up slightly and shot Adam a good-natured eye roll. "You call your digital assistant 'Jeeves?'" He asked, his voice dripping with amusement.

Adam just stared for a couple seconds, leaving Miles to squirm under his gaze. "You know, I think there might be larger plugs in—"

Miles interrupted him with an adamant, "Huh uh!" and followed with a "zipped lip" hand motion.

Adam smirked again. "That's better."

Adam shifted his weight on the side of the tub, moving so that one of the jets was hitting another part of his back. He sighed and leaned back again. He idly played with Miles' leg with one of his feet, rubbing the side of it. They had more than enough room to stretch out in the large tub, but their legs still intertwined in the middle. It was the perfect size, as far as Adam was concerned.

They lay there for what felt like hours, idling chatting about their lives—with Adam periodically reminding Miles to keep his hands away from his dick, much to the young man's consternation.

Miles told Adam about some aspects of his childhood. His mother had been an addict—he knew nothing about his father—and he had been sent to the foster care system shortly before starting school. He'd been lucky, he said, in that his foster family had been both loving and supportive. He considered his foster parents to be effectively his real family, and likewise with his foster sister. He hadn't spoken to his biological mother in well over a decade, and had no idea where she was now. Adam slid over to Miles' left side as he talked, snaking an arm around his shoulders and holding him close. He rubbed Miles' right shoulder with his thumb, and kissed Miles on the forehead.

"How about you? Are your parents around?" Miles inquired at a pause in the conversation.

"Oh yeah," Adam said, somewhat dully, with a dismissive wave of his hand. "They're fine. We're not particularly close. I was too nerdy for my dad's taste, and not nerdy enough for my mom. My dad wanted me to play football, and I just wanted to swim. My mom thought sports were a waste of time, and kept trying to get me to join the debate team and mathletes and such. Once high school was over, I left home for business school pretty much as quickly as I could to escape the bickering. They took that as a sign, I think, and got divorced like six months later. We talk every once in a while, but eh. We mostly keep to ourselves. I see each of them in person every few years or so to awkwardly catch up, and that's it."

Miles rubbed the top of Adam's thigh with a hand. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Eh, it's fine. But thank you," Adam said, planting another kiss on the top of Miles' head.

Miles' hand began to drift off of Adam's hairy thigh, and he felt fingers begin tugging on his cock. He let it go for long enough for his dick to respond, lifting into an erection, and then said, "Nope. Not me either!" As he spoke, he scooted back to his spot across the tub, away from Miles, who gave him a longsuffering and bereft look.

"Don't give me that face," Adam said, chuckling and flicking a lock of wet hair from his forehead. "You didn't follow the rules, and now you gotta deal with the consequences." He leaned forward as he said this, reaching under Miles' ass and giving the butt plug a wiggle. Miles sucked in a breath, and his eyes fluttered shut as he moaned.

The side of Adam's mouth quirked into a grin as he sat back into the dark, swirling water and breathed in the only somewhat overpowering scent of the bath bomb. He slid further down the side of the tub, until his chin touched the glittering bubbles, and soft music accompanied by the gentle rumble of the jets filled his ears. What is this situation, anyway? Am I seriously bathing with another man? He idly stroked his half-hard dick. Who cares, he thought, and chased his thoughts from his mind.


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